Sunday, February 20, 2011

It began with an elective...

During our last semester as graduate students at the USC School of Social Work, we are given the invaluable opportunity to take Professor Rafael C. Angulo's Media in Social Work elective.  The class challenges us to utilize documentary filmmaking as a medium to create social change.  Three weeks ago, each of us 25 students had to pitch our documentary ideas in front of the entire class.  Only eight could be green lighted.  One of the chosen ideas comes from Cassandra Rush.  Her idea is to explore the discrepancy of maintaining strength in the Military simply by drinking water, as suggested by drill instructors, versus seeking mental health services for combat-related Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Along with Cassie, Fermin Servin and I, Maxie Pulliam, also have the honor of producing this project.  We hope that our documentary can be used as a tool to encourage service members and veterans to seek mental health treatment, even if it goes against the drink water mentality.

Check our blog regularly for updates on our progress and creative processes.

Thanks again!

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